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In the nocturnal glow of cities, urban photography is transformed into a captivating dance of light and line. Skyscrapers rise up like modern poems, reflecting the tumultuous soul of the metropolis. Every street corner becomes a canvas where the artist captures the fleeting moment, freezing the frenetic movement of urban life. Through the lens, vibrant contrasts and ephemeral textures reveal an unsuspected beauty at the heart of the concrete. In this way, urban photography transcends the simple snapshot to become a visual ode to the effervescence of the city.
A natural facade informs us of green news. A natural facade informs us of green...
The end of a summer day falls into a scaly awning. The end of a summer day falls into a...
A rusty cenotaph encapsulates a multi-dimensional cosmos. A rusty cenotaph encapsulates a...
A street enclosed by the twilight, the quietness of the outside recalls the past, the present and the future. A street enclosed by the twilight,...
Under the Creole shade, a snow of fir trees is delicately deposited. Under the Creole shade, a snow of fir...
The Americans have a way of celebrating festivities with a mix of childhood joy and excessive consumerism. At Christmas, the streets are lit by thousands of electric garlands while people carry bags of shopping on each arm. The Americans have a way of...
A tank of petrol, a photo and I’m off. A tank of petrol, a photo and I’m off.
Once I arrived in LA, I discovered the America I saw in movies as a child. Newspapers delivered outside the door in the morning, the distinctive letter boxes, the old cars that remind me of the 70s movies that I watched so often. Once I arrived in LA, I discovered...
The light in New Mexico is unique. It even manages to make news-stands photogenic. The light in New Mexico is unique. It...
My house on the outskirts of LA. It’s a big house with palm trees, a swimming pool…all the clichés of the American Dream in one. My house on the outskirts of LA. It’s...
I bumped into Richard in a diner. He came here every day to have his breakfast served by Carmen. He looked as if he had stepped out of a Western. I bumped into Richard in a diner. He...
One December evening, a deer crossed the road in front of me. It was an unlikely encounter. I stopped to take a photograph of it just in front of these letter boxes. One December evening, a deer crossed...